Archive for April, 2018


4.21.18 … I close by ringing the Asian gong and dipping my fingers in the water feature. Happy spring!

“Solvitur Ambulando” – It is solved by walking, 2018 Labyrinth Walks, Davidson College Labyrinth and Peace Garden @ Hobart Park – Davidson NC:

Spring! And in my world that means a heavy dusting of yellow pollen, and on some days piles of yellow pollen.

The birds are singing and the sun is streaming through the trees

I have company today. John and Albert are sitting on the sidelines.

I always enjoy walking here as Hobart Park is the location of several fun picnics during my college years and now it has a labyrinth. It was also redone and rededicated to Ed Goode, a Davidson ‘82 classmate.

I close by ringing the Asian gong and dipping my fingers in the water feature.

Happy spring!



4.1.18 … Christ has risen while earth slumbers, Christ has risen where hope died …

“Solvitur Ambulando” – It is solved by walking, 2018 Easter Sunrise Labyrinth Walk, Avondale Presbyterian Church – Charlotte NC:

Sunrise is at 7:10 AM today. I thought about breaking my tradition and not going to the sunrise service at Avondale. But I dressed quickly (all in black because it was what was still sitting there) and headed out. I decided that it was worth it to continue this tradition. I pulled out of my drive and noticed that the azaleas on my block are in full bloom. And I swear they weren’t quite there yesterday!

And as I pulled onto Sharonview Lane, the moon, which is a blue moon, the second blue moon of the year, very unusual, and the Paschal moon, welcomes me out into this Easter morning. Dang, I’m glad I’m up.

I’m late to the service, but one thing I’ve learned from my Lenten Labyrinth Walks is the ritual. But as I enter the garden, things are not quite right. Dr. Earl, the long time Senior Minister is not there and the flower arrangement at the center is different. The service begins with the usual hymn, Morning Has Broken … but the rhythm of the Service is different. Calm down, calm down.

I’m distracted but the service is nice and the other sunrise participants are welcoming. The minister closes with “Christ has risen while earth slumbers,” an interesting newer Easter hymn that I am not sure I have heard before.

Christ has risen while earth slumbers, Christ has risen where hope died,

as he said and as he promised,

as we doubted and denied.

Let the moon embrace the blessing; let the sun sustain the cheer;

let the world confirm the rumour. Christ is risen, God is here!

Christ has risen and forever

lives to challenge and to change

all whose lives are messed or mangled, all who find religion strange.

Christ is risen. Christ is present

making us what he has been – evidence of transformation

in which God is known and seen.

(‘Christ has risen while earth slumbers’ by John L Bell & Graham Maule (Singing the Faith 296))

Be still and know that I am god.

I’ve enjoyed our walks. Please join me next year!


PS Dr. John Earl retired in September after 30 years. Rev. Veronica Cannon is Interim Senior Pastor. Rev. Cannon interned at First Pres in the 2000s and then led a very impactful Congregational Retreat at Montreat. I knew she looked familiar.

And one Easter Basket for the three of us. If it weren’t for the Cookie Counselor, there would be none.

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April 2018
