Archive for April, 2021


4.27.21 … “If it is not your experience, it is not your truth. As always, stay open minded and skeptical, and if any particular flavor of interpretation of reality works for you to help you to lower your entropy, get rid of fear, ego, and beliefs, and become a happier, more positive influence in the world, then I say, ‘Go for it!’”

“Solvitur Ambulando” – It is solved by walking, Avondale Presbyterian Church – Charlotte NC, 2021 Labyrinth Walks:

“[It] is a gentle tool, and a sacred, liminal space onto which we project whatever we need to project that is meaningful to each of us individually. Groups can use it to forge agreement, build membership in their team, and control more resources, but any “definitive” interpretation is more than likely trying to sell you something. If it is not your experience, it is not your truth. As always, stay open minded and skeptical, and if any particular flavor of interpretation of reality works for you to help you to lower your entropy, get rid of fear, ego, and beliefs, and become a happier, more positive influence in the world, then I say, “Go for it!”

I found the above quote about labyrinths a few days ago and unfortunately I did not save the source. So I am sorry for that.

The other day I commented that I was not feeling grounded, I think I actually said that I was “felt a shift in my groundedness,” which is a clumsy way of saying that I’m not feeling grounded (and I realize that “groundedness” is not a common word). But on further thinking, I think I am not seeking groundedness, although being grounded is better than not being grounded; but rather am in need spaciousness. And the labyrinth is both a place to find firm ground, truth, and liminal space, a slightly different reality, sometimes at the same time.

And you would think that as long as I have been doing this, “this” being walking labyrinths, that I would know that when I am feeling untethered that I need to go for a labyrinth walk. It took me 24 hours.

There is a light breeze and the chimes are singing. I love the sound of the wind in the leaves. Did you know that the sounds of wind in the trees and the rustling of leaves have enchanted so many people over time that they invented a word to describe them? “Psithurism” Psithurism comes from the Greek word psithuros, which means whispering. That certainly fits with the sound wind often makes when it blows through trees! And the trees that are whispering to me are Japanese maples. I love these red maples. They are fully leafed out and just gorgeous.

Someone has done a serious weeding of the labyrinth. There is not a weed in sight. Actually I see one or two, but compared with the last time I walked, they were quite a few on this labyrinth.

On my way out, I spent a moment adoring the Catawba rhododendrons. The are the crown jewel in the garden today.

My walked served it’s purpose. I feel both spacious and grounded. Hopefully, I have lowered my entropy, rid myself of fear, moved my ego from center stage, and become a wee bit happier, maybe even joyful. On to solving the problems of my world.

And Albert joined me …


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April 2021
