Posts Tagged ‘Grand Canyon


1.8.19 … “I tell the law students I address now and then, if you’re going to be a lawyer and just practice your profession, well, you have a skill, so you’re very much like a plumber.”… “If you want to be a true professional, you will do something outside yourself. Something to repair tears in your community. Something to make life a little better for people less fortunate than you. That’s what I think a meaningful life is – living not for oneself, but for one’s community.” – RBG

Professionalism, Ruth Bader Ginsburg:

Just last week I was discussing professionalism. RBG sums it up nicely:

Reading Challenge:

An interesting list. I’ve only read a few and my favorite memoir is not on her list.

The eleventh category in the 2018 Reading Challenge is “a memoir, biography, or book of creative nonfiction.” I love all three genres, but when it comes to books I’m likely to keep coming back to, memoir takes the cake.

I love the genre; I’ve read many over the years. Today I’m sharing 15 of my favorites, “favorite” in this case meaning the ones I keep coming back to. I’ve read these 2 or 3 or even a dozen times. (I’m looking at you, Kathleen Norris.)

A special note for audiobook fans: I love listening to memoirs, especially when the author reads her own story. I’ve made a special note below of the books I loved on audio.

Source: 15 engaging and inspiring memoirs I keep coming back to – Modern Mrs. Darcy,

Kith/kin, Grand Canyon NP:

Jack is hiking and camping in the Grand Canyon this week, 1.5.19-1.10.19. And to think I birthed him.

Legends and Lore Historical Markers, Highlands NC:

At the December Town Board meeting, he introduced the Legends and Lore Program which was launched in 2015 in New York State. The program promotes cultural tourism and commemorates legends and folklore as part of cultural heritage.

Everyone is familiar with the highway markers designating historical aspects of an area – Highlands has three – but the Legends and Lore Program is relatively new and is just now being expanded nationwide, with North Carolina, the second state to get involved, said Shaffner.

He asked the board to give permission by letter for the Highlands Historical Society to pursue inclusion in the program to commemorate the Moccasin War which took place in Highlands in 1885.

A red sign, 18 inches by 30 inches and about four feet off the ground would pinpoint the place the war took place – in the center of Main Street at the 4th and Main intersection – with a sign that will read: The Moccasin War was fought here in 1885. Moonshiners from Georgia laid siege on Highlands to rescue their folk. War ends with a threat and a prayer. Pictured at the top of the article is an artist’s rendition of how the “legend” sign would look at the beginning of the 4th Street block.

Source: Highlands’ Moccasin War to live on – Plateau Daily News,

Epiphany, Tudor Crown:

I found this interesting out Epiphany.

This magnificent crown is a re-creation of a Tudor crown that was melted down in 1649. The original would have been worn by Henry VIII at Hampton Court Palace, particularly on the feast of #Epiphany on 6 January. Henry would process to the Chapel Royal in full regalia to offer gold, frankincense and myrrh, celebrating the visit of the Three Kings. Read on about the crown:

Christie Taylor:

Congratulations, Christie! And I love”A Day at the Circus!”

Taylor, 67, officially retired from Hodges Taylor Dec. 31, but she’d been easing her way out of day-to-day management for several years – ever since she found an heir she and Hodges, who retired about eight years ago, trusted. Lauren Harkey, 32, who’d been working with Taylor for the last three years, took over as 2019 began. 

So now Taylor pursues a dream.

“There’s a theory that we’re our most authentic selves at 6,” she said. “So, whatever you wanted to be when you were 6 is probably what you’ve found a way to become. Maybe not literally … If you wanted to be a firefighter, you may not be that exactly, but you probably help people in crisis.”

Source: Longtime Charlotte art gallery owner calls an end to that career to become … an artist | Charlotte Observer,


9.8.13 … Another ‘Grand Canyon’ Discovered Beneath Greenland …

Greenland Mega Canyon, discovery, river v. glacier carved canyons, Grand Canyon:

A little chilly for camping: Ice-penetrating radar revealed a mega-canyon below the Greenland ice sheet, extending for more than 460 miles.

“We started looking at the data, and once we put it all together, we realized there was this strange feature in the middle of Greenland,” he says. “And we started looking into it in a bit more detail.”

The picture that emerged was that of a canyon rivaling the one carved through the red rock in the American Southwest.

“It’s almost twice the length of the Grand Canyon, about half its depth and about twice its width in most places,” he says. And it looks like it was carved by rivers, back before Greenland was covered with ice, four million years ago.

“Nowhere does it look like a typical U-shaped valley,” which is what you would expect if it were carved by glaciers, he says. “At its northern limit, it looks pretty much like a river valley. It’s got relatively steep slopes, and it’s quite deep.”

“We think this was a major river system in Greenland before the ice sheet was there,” he says. “And it’s just survived the cover by the ice sheet.”

via Another ‘Grand Canyon’ Discovered Beneath Greenland’s Ice : NPR.

via ▶ NASA | Greenland’s Mega Canyon – YouTube.

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