Posts Tagged ‘abstract thinking


2.22.13 … more than a cake …

retro, Tunnel of Fudge Cake,  Bake-Off® Contest,, kith/kin:  Saw this list of bests .. and the #2 Nordic Ware bundt pan just brought back a flood of memories … And btw, everything about these two lists makes me feel old … 🙂

Go Retro: Top 10 Desserts – Bread Pudding to Chocolate Eclairs.

Tunnel of Fudge Cake

This recipe, arguably the recipe most closely identified with the Bake-Off® Contest, mysteriously develops a “tunnel of fudge” filling as it bakes. Don’t scrimp on the nuts, or it won’t work!

Bake-Off® Contest 17, 1966
Ella Helfrich
Houston, Texas

via Tunnel of Fudge Cake Recipe from

Moss Covered Easter Eggs,  threadowl, Etsy, Easter:  Like them …

Set of 4 Large Moss Covered Easter Eggs

Add a touch of natural greenery to your home’s spring decor, Easter celebrations, or other parties with beautiful handcrafted moss eggs. Use as center pieces or embellishment in vases and bowls.

These larger size Moss Eggs look amazing grouped together as a center piece on tables, and as decoration on fireplace mantels!

via Set of 4 Large Moss Covered Easter Eggs by threadowl on Etsy.

Sallie Krawcheck,  2012 Alumni Forum,  YouTube:  Worth  watching … makeup 🙂

via Sallie Krawcheck ’87 | SEVEN Talk at the 2012 Alumni Forum – YouTube.

trapped, manhole, criminal acts, This man could have died …

Fifty manhole covers have been stolen so far this year in Gastonia.

via Man rescued after being trapped in manhole for 12 hours |

Downton Abbey,  One Direction, What Makes You Beautiful, YouTube: 🙂

Downton Abbey Perform One Direction’s What Makes You Beautiful – YouTube.

coffee shops, productivity, scientific reason,  University of British Columbia, background noise, creativity, abstract thinking, technology:  I like coffee shops … maybe I should try to work while I am there.

If you’ve always found that you do your best work in coffee shops, you’ll be happy to learn that there’s a scientific reason for it. Last year, researchers at the University of British Columbia discovered that moderate levels of steady background noise (at approximately 70 decibels) actually spur creativity and abstract thinking better than silence. Heading to the local coffee shop isn’t always an option, of course, but with headphones, these eight ambient noise apps do an excellent job of delivering a similar audio experience, regardless of your surroundings.

via AppLife.

labyrinth walking, Christianity, neopagan, New Age, Women of Grace:  This one is loaded … Maybe they should try walking one …

However, the labyrinths in use today are not even remotely associated with these Christian labyrinths. Today’s version was popularized by an Episcopalian canon and New Age devotee named Lauren Artress who describes walking a labyrinth as a “way to find healing, self-knowledge and our soul assignments and to continue weaving the Web of Creation.”

In her writings about the labyrinth, Artress reveals her feminist disdain for the God of the Bible. Instead, she refers to “the Source,” “the Sacred,” and “the God within,” which she claims has been “destroyed through centuries of patriarchal domination, through fears of creativity and of the traits associated with the feminine.” Artress says she prefers this “Source” to the transcendent God “out there” who “keeps track of whether we follow the rules.”

She also says that Jesus as the Christ is too often not helpful because he is closely tied to the patriarchy. Instead, she calls people to the more inclusive “Father and Mother God” and “The Greening Power of God, the Holy Spirit in all Her mystery,” who is found in the “power of The Divine within.”

Artress openly admits that neopagan journalist and Wiccan priestess, Margot Adler (author of Drawing Down the Moon) and New Ager Jean Houston, one of the founders of the Human Potential Movement, influenced her modern labyrinth movement.

Such a firm New Age foundation certainly explains why the emphasis for labyrinth walkers is always upon the self rather than on God.

Knowing the belief system of the creator of the modern labyrinth movement hardly makes this so-called “meditation tool” very appealing to Christians. But this doesn’t stop retreat centers in need of the Christian market from presenting the labyrinth in ways that will appeal to them.

For instance, some try to “Christianize” it by using terms associated with the Christian mystical tradition although the meanings are radically different (something that is never explained to the walker!).

For instance, the three stages of a typical labyrinth walk are referred to as the purgation, illumination and unitive stages, all of which have meaning in the Catholic mystical tradition. But purgation doesn’t mean turning away from sin and embracing the gospel as it does in Christianity; it means “letting go of the details of your life.” Illumination means to “receive what is there for you to receive” rather than the Catholic concept of illumination which is a new closeness to God after a deeper conversion. The unitive stage in labyrinth language is when one “is joining God, your Higher Power, or the healing forces at work in the world” not achieving transforming union with God as is taught in the Catholic tradition.

Other retreat centers simply present their labyrinths to the faithful in terms so nebulous no one can figure out what it is, such as this snippet from a retreat center’s website: “When you stand at the threshold of the labyrinth, you stand at the threshold of your own consciousness, ready to step from the exterior to your own interior space, that interior space being represented by the labyrinth.”

via Should you walk the labyrinth? | Women of Grace.

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