Posts Tagged ‘bar bets


3.7.19 … bar bet traditions … let others choose what i give up … So if I let you choose what I should give up, what would you choose? … probably not popsicles, pumpkin seeds and meatballs …

“Solvitur Ambulando” – It is solved by walking, List making, St. John’s Episcopal Church – Charlotte NC, 2019 Lenten Labyrinth Walks (2/40), Lenten Lists, Fr. James Martin:

My friend Toni asked me to help fold and put up the loaner Chartres canvas labyrinth and the church’s new 5 circuit children’s labyrinth. So I arrived early and got in my walk before the agreed upon time. It was set up beautifully with small tea candles around the circumference. It was perfectly quiet.

“Be still and know that I am God.”

Fr. James Martin, giving things up: I really enjoy Fr. James Martin. And I love it that his Jewish college roomate Rob has chosen what he gives up for Lent. And it all began with a bar bet! This year Rob has deemed that he give up Popsicles, pumpkin seeds and meatballs.

Since then, for over 20 years my friend Rob has phoned me every Ash Wednesday to assign me a Lenten sacrifice. The sacrifices have grown easier over the years since Rob is running out of things for me to give up. For a few years he favored spices. One Lent I was suppose to avoid anything with oregano. It sounded easy until it dawned on me that pizza was out of the question for six weeks. Having another person choose your sacrifice adds an extra dimension to Lent. Since my penance is not within my control, it feels a little more spiritual. As with far more serious struggles in life, like an illness or the loss of a job, things outside our control are the most difficult to deal with. They are, in traditional Christian theology, crosses that eventually need to be accepted, much as Jesus finally accepted his cross.

Source: Priest Lets Friend Choose His Sacrifice for Lent : NPR,

So if I let you choose what I should give up, what would you choose?

An interesting thought, don’t you think?

Lenten Lists:

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1. Henri Nouwen Society

2. Daily OM

3. Audible Daily Deal

4. Gifts in OpenHands

5. Morning Brew

6. Daily Report

7. Charlotte Five

8. Time: The Brief

9. TheSkimm

10. DTH at a glance

11. ThrillList

12. Next Vacay

13. Gretchen Rubin Moment of Happiness

14. The Charlotte Observer: Daily Headlines

15. Medium Daily Digest

16. Recode Daily

17. TPG

18. NYT: Morning

19. WSJ

20. Atlas Obscura

21. Flipboard Politics Rundown

Wow … I need to tidy up what I let into my life every day.


And I look back on my day and what I thought about … a little of this and a little of that …

Walking: Great article!

“Gros discusses the centrality of walking in the lives of Nietzsche, Rimbaud, Kant, Rousseau, and Thoreau. Likewise, Rebecca Solnit has profiled the essential walks of literary figures such as William Wordsworth, Jane Austen, and Gary Snyder in her book Wanderlust, which argues for the necessity of walking in our own age, when doing so is almost entirely unnecessary most of the time. As great walkers of the past and present have made abundantly clear—anecdotally at least—we observe a significant link between walking and creative thinking.”

Source: How Walking Fosters Creativity: Stanford Researchers Confirm What Philosophers and Writers Have Always Known | Open Culture,

Quotes, Mrs. Who, “A Wrinkle in Time”: I’ve grown fond of quotes, but can’t remember one long enough to express myself in quotes.

The three of them approach the haunted house and don’t find Mrs. Whatsit, but instead a friend of hers, Mrs. Who, inside. Mrs. Who is a plump, cheerful little woman with enormous glasses, sewing away at the stolen sheets to make them into ghosts for the haunted house. Mrs. Who often expresses herself by quoting great authors, frequently in different languages. When Charles asks Mrs. Who if she knows Calvin, she says, “He wasn’t my idea, Charlsie, but I think he’s a good one.” Mrs. Who then mentions that Mr. Murry needs their help, though it’s not yet time, and tells them all to go home to dinner.

Blockbuster, Bend OR, end of an era: so how many Friday and Saturday nights did I spend picking out a movie at Blockbuster?

The last Blockbuster in Australia will close its doors this month, which means there will only be one Blockbuster left in the entire world….Bend, OR …

Source: The last chapter of Blockbuster’s story | MNN – Mother Nature Network,

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