Posts Tagged ‘mindfulness meditation


8.20.13 … I know a few risk takers … Physicist Erwin Schrödinger’s Google Doodle, … LumoBack … Challenging 2013-14 Men’s Basketball Schedule … Lincoln Logs … Braves’ Stadium Waffle House … vanity plate game … Grilled Pineapple Berry Basil Galette … meditation … Mowbyrinth … Ridiculously Interacting with Statues …

troubled teens,  successful entrepreneurs, Real Time Economics – WSJ:  Loved this … I know a few risk takers. 🙂

The economists find that self-employed workers with incorporated businesses were almost three times more likely to engage in illicit and risky activities as youth than were salaried workers. These behaviors include but aren’t limited to shoplifting, marijuana use, playing hooky at school, drug dealing and assault. In addition, the self-employed with incorporated businesses were more educated, more likely to come from high-earning, two-parent families, were more apt to score higher on learning aptitude tests and exhibit greater self-esteem than other employment types. “Of course, you have to be smart,” says Mr. Levine. “But it’s a unique combination of breaking rules and being smart that helps you become an entrepreneur.”

These qualities also have a downside. Risk-taking tendencies in combination with high self-esteem make successful entrepreneurs prone to dangerous lapses in judgement, the Wall Street Journal reported in June, finding that many financial advisers have to keep their entrepreneur clients in check.

But on the whole, entrepreneurship does pay off. The economists find that individuals who left their salaried jobs to start incorporated businesses work more hours but also earn more per hour than other employment types, and those who start successful incorporated enterprises enjoy substantially larger boosts in earnings relative to their own wages as salaried workers. The results show “that entrepreneurship, at the median, pays — and it offers the possibility of comparably enormous returns,” the researchers write.

via Troubled Teens Make More Successful Entrepreneurs – Real Time Economics – WSJ.

Physicist Erwin Schrödinger, Google Doodle, quantum mechanics work, technology, Loved this doodle … learned something too.

Google doodle on Erwin Schrodinger

In subsequent years, he repeatedly criticised conventional interpretations of quantum mechanics by using the paradox of what would become known as Schrödinger’s cat. This thought experiment was designed to illustrate what he saw as the problems surrounding application of the conventional, so-called “Copenhagen interpretation” of quantum mechanics to everyday objects.

Other work focused on different fields of physics, including statistical mechanics, thermodynamics and colour theory. In a celebrated 1944 book, What Is Life?, he turned to the problems of genetics, taking a close look at the phenomenon of life from the point of view of physics.

via Physicist Erwin Schrödinger’s Google doodle marks quantum mechanics work | Technology |

gadgets, LumoBack:  I love gadgets …

The Wall Street Journal

The LumoBack is a $150 sensor that straps around your lower waist to track your posture, vibrating whenever you start slouching. Our review:

Would you get this app? What apps do you use to help track your health?

via Facebook.

Davidson College, Davidson Basketball, 2013-14 Men’s Basketball Schedule:   Challenging!  We’ll get a chance to prove ourselves …

In addition to non-conference games with Duke, Virginia, North Carolina and 2013 Final Four participant Wichita State, Davidson’s 2013-14 men’s basketball schedule will include an appearance in the Charleston Classic, as announced by head coach Bob McKillop Tuesday.

via Davidson College Athletics – Davidson Unveils Challenging 2013-14 Men’s Basketball Schedule.

Lincoln Logs,  Mental Floss (@mental_floss):   In the back of my mind I knew this …

Mental Floss (@mental_floss)

8/13/13, 10:02 AM

Lincoln Logs were invented by Frank Lloyd Wright’s son.

Braves’ Stadium, Waffle House:  I love Waffle House!

On July 26, the Atlanta Braves opened a Waffle House at Turner Field , their home stadium. So what's happened since?

Last month, the Atlanta Braves became the first major league team with a Waffle House concession stand at their stadium. A lot has happened since that Waffle House opened.

posted on August 6, 2013 at 4:42pm EDT

Dan Oshinsky

BuzzFeed Staff

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On July 26, the Atlanta Braves opened a Waffle House at Turner Field, their home stadium. So what’s happened since?

via 14 Things That Have Happened Since A Waffle House Opened In The Braves’ Stadium.

vanity plate game: From George Takei’s photo …

Photo: Let's play the vanity plate game. This clever one you should get in 5 seconds. No liking otherwise...and no giving it away.

August 15

Let’s play the vanity plate game. This clever one you should get in 5 seconds. No liking otherwise…and no giving it away.

Grilled Pineapple Berry Basil Galette, recipe, yum …

Grilled Pineapple Berry Basil Galette

Blogger Lana Stuart of Never Enough Thyme celebrates the start of grilling season with this easy-to-make freeform galette using Pillsbury® refrigerated pie crust.SavePrintEmailReviewAddToGroceryList+

via Grilled Pineapple Berry Basil Galette recipe from

mindfulness meditation:

Mindfulness meditation is essentially cognitive fitness with a humanist face.

Great read on how meditation works. Pair with a lesson in mindfulness from Sherlock Holmes.

via Explore – Mindfulness meditation is essentially cognitive….

How Meditation Works, Liz Kulze – The Atlantic:

 And yet, people are doing it. Millions of them, whether as part of a medical treatment, in group classes, or alone in the privacy of their homes. But like with regular juicing or weekly acupuncture appointments, the question isn’t whether beneficial physiological change is possible, but rather, how far can such change go to help us?

It goes without saying that some time to ourselves, quietly sitting and slowly breathing, will prove to calm us down after a stressful day, but when it comes to life’s most mentally taxing episodes — death, disaster, disease — how much good can mindfulness meditation really do?

via How Meditation Works – Liz Kulze – The Atlantic.

labyrinth,  back yard, Mowbyrinth:  Shared by a friend on FB. 🙂

Michelle Hiskey

Follow · 15 hours ago via iOS

And what to my wondering eyes should appear but a labyrinth in our back yard. Mowbyrinth by Ben Smith!

People Ridiculously Interacting with Statues [19 Pictures], public art, interaction:  My kids hate it when I pose or even worse make them pose with statues. Some of these are really fun. 🙂

People Ridiculously Interacting with Statues [19 Pictures]

via People Ridiculously Interacting with Statues [19 Pictures] – 9 Laughs.

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