Posts Tagged ‘NOLA


2.25.13 … two Banksy stories in the news at the same time …

Sophie Blackall, public art, NYC subway, Explore: If you scroll down, you’ll see where I noticed this work  on 1.28.13

Illustrator Sophie Blackall’s heart-warming New York City subway artwork, with a subtle nod to her famous Craigslist missed connections.

Treat yourself to this fantastic interview with Blackall by the one and only Debbie Millman.

viaExplore – Illustrator Sophie Blackall’s heart-warming New…

 The Bay Lights, public art, San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge,

That’s how many LED bulbs the 46-year-old is using for “The Bay Lights,” an art installation that will illuminate the western span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge for the two years, starting March 5. The installation, which organizers say is seven times the scale of the Eiffel Tower, was inspired by the 75th anniversary of the Bay Bridge in 2011.

via Lights, Action Come to the Bay Bridge –

Banksy, arrest, hoax, street art, graffiti:  Two Banksy stories in the news at the same time …

The internet was up in arms today when a clearly fake suspicious looking press release announced the alleged arrest of Britain’s uber-famous street artist, Banksy. Rumors quickly circulated that the graffitist, known to decorate walls around the world with his tongue-in-cheek social criticism, had not only been apprehended, but his identity had also been revealed.

But it turns out the “news” of Banksy’s arrest was just one giant hoax, likely orchestrated by a savvy online troll who takes joy in seeing media outlets report the faux news. As Business Insider confirmed, the London Metropolitan Police did not in fact nab the elusive street artist nor did they reveal his real name (Paul Horner, really?).

via Banksy Arrest Was A Giant Hoax, The Elusive Street Artist Has Not In Fact Been Caught.

Banksy, London, follow-up,   street art, graffiti, BBC News:

“We thought we were just going along to see the gap in the wall and were surprised to see something else had appeared.

“There was obviously a lot of affection for it in Wood Green and a lot of people were very disappointed when their Banksy disappeared.”

He said the new mural had appeared in exactly the same spot as the Banksy artwork


Local councillor Alan Strickland said residents had been left “really shocked and really astonished” at the disappearance of the mural of the boy.

“Banksy gave that piece of art to our community, and people came from all over London to see it,” he said.

Banksy’s work has been at the centre of a number of thefts over the years.

via BBC News – Banksy artwork taken in north London withdrawn from sale.

Banksy, Katrina,  street art, graffiti, NOLA:  and I was wondering if Banksy had done work in the US …


In late August 2008, marking the third anniversary of Hurricane Katrina and the associated levee failure disaster, Banksy produced a series of works in New Orleans, Louisiana, mostly on buildings derelict since the disaster.[49] A stencil painting attributed to Banksy appeared at a vacant petrol station in the Ensley neighbourhood of Birmingham, Alabama on 29 August as Hurricane Gustav approached the New Orleans area. The painting depicting a hooded member of the Ku Klux Klan hanging from a noose was quickly covered with black spray paint and later removed altogether.[50] His first official exhibition in New York, the “Village Pet Store And Charcoal Grill,” opened 5 October 2008. The animatronic pets in the store window include a mother hen watching over her baby Chicken McNuggets as they peck at a barbecue sauce packet, and a rabbit putting makeup on in a mirror.[51]

via Banksy – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Pope’s retirement, final Sunday blessing, CBS News:

Benedict told the crowd that God is calling him to dedicate himself “even more to prayer and meditation,” which he will do in a secluded monastery being renovated for him on the grounds behind Vatican City’s ancient walls.

“But this doesn’t mean abandoning the church,” he said, as many in the crowd looked sad at his departure from regular view. “On the contrary, if God asks me, this is because I can continue to serve it (the church) with the same dedication and the same love which I have tried to do so until now, but in a way more suitable to my age and to my strength.”

The phrase “tried to” was the pope’s adlibbed addition to his prepared text.

Benedict has one more public appearance, a Wednesday general audience in St. Peter’s Square.

via 100,000 turn up for pope’s final Sunday blessing – CBS News.

labyrinths, Mediterra, Naples FL: I knew I was talking too much about my hobby when everyone, including my mother-in-law, tells me about ones they see or hear about.  🙂

Mediterra - Naples

Lunar, planetary and seasonal references appear throughout the park. A path marked by arches with vines leads to a secret garden with benches and a meditational element, a patterned labyrinth on the ground that forms a path. The labyrinth found in ancient Greek and Roman cultures is re-interpreted at Parque Celestial, using brick edging and grassed pathways to lead the visitor on a meditative journey. Parque Celestial received the American Landscape Society Association’s Florida Chapter Award of Excellence in 2003.

via Mediterra – Naples Florida – NoSnow Naples Real Estate


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