Posts Tagged ‘First Presbyterian-Charlotte


3.18.15 … help us to see [you] more clearly … “What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson …

“Solvitur Ambulando” – It is solved by walking, 2015 Lenten Labyrinth Walks 26/40, The Cathedral of St. Phillips – Atlanta GA:

What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered. –  Ralph Waldo Emerson.

IMG_2776   The Bradford pears trees in bloom. IMG_2774 And there are red blooms budding on another tree … what is that? IMG_2761 Later I look around the Cathedrals grounds and I see that the red trees in the back are about to burst, but the ones on Peachtree have already popped, not fully popped, but definitely out, maybe a day or two ahead of the trees in the back area. I found this helpful …

Learn more about the 50 most frequently-seen trees in Atlanta. Soon, you’ll know the common and botanical names of tree, interesting tidbits, and be able to recognize them by sight. via 50 Atlanta Trees || Trees Atlanta.

One of the things you notice when focus daily on creation is what is blooming on its own time and what is  forced. You begin to question and ponder, which is more beautiful?  And what happens when humans intervene?  I always remember hearing how at the Augusta National, the landscapers will ice the azaleas to keep them from blooming too early. As I walk, I immediately noticed  some birds chirping. And I hear the children chirping as their moms pick them up in  the carpool line at the Cathedral’s preschool. Ever since I started using the Bird Caller app,  I realize it if I hear a robins. I now recognize the robin.   I turn the app  on as soon as I hear a bird call.   If I do, robins will sing to me the whole time I am walking. Kind of fun. Always amazed at how beautiful Atlanta is in the early spring … IMG_2765 IMG_2773 IMG_2769   x    IMG_2772 IMG_2771 And then I found the weed … Lots to think about … Two things from the Lenten devotionals I subscribe to …  From Henri Nouwen ..

Coming Together in Poverty There are many forms of poverty:  economic poverty, physical poverty, emotional poverty, mental poverty, and spiritual poverty.  As long as we relate primarily to each other’s wealth, health, stability, intelligence, and soul strength, we cannot develop true community.  Community is not a talent show in which we dazzle the world with our combined gifts.  Community is the place where our poverty is acknowledged and accepted, not as something we have to learn to cope with as best as we can but as a true source of new life. Living community in whatever form – family, parish, twelve-step program, or intentional community – challenges us to come together at the place of our poverty,  believing that there we can reveal our richness.

From First Presbyterian Charlotte … 

Katelyn Gordon:  Prayer: Steadfast God, we are so easily tired and distracted.  So often we confuse you for something or someone else.  Help us to see you more clearly and to live more faithfully.  In Christ’s name we pray.  Amen.


6.24.13 … MegaBus and Bruce Feiler’s Walking the Bible: SHALOM HAVER … “We’re drawn to written things,” Avner said, explaining the stickers. “We’re still a people of the Book.” …

MegaBus is not as crowded today and a more diverse mix of folks than I have ever seen.  I am sitting at the table, happily connected to the very slow wifi.

My companions at the tables are a female student in a hoodie with a tiny string of pearls and a necklace that says “Michael,” a grandma type who is very tired and a first time rider, a bald-headed younger man in a tawny brown tee shirt with a white steer outline and khakis and a younger matronly type. The last woman wins the best dressed of our group.  I will say that comfortable athletic clothes are the usual outfits.

No one is a chatter box, so I think we are a good group.  🙂

Our driver is a female and she seems in control.

I am reading Bruce Feiler’s Walking the Bible. I always notice bumper stickers, so this quote from early in the book jumped out at me.

Also, every car had at least one bumper sticker, mostly on political topics, like GIVING UP TERRITORY IS DANGEROUS FOR JEWS, some were emotional, like SHALOM HAVER, or “Good-bye Friend,” which is what President Bill Clinton said at the funeral for slain Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. “We’re drawn to written things,” Avner said, explaining the stickers. “We’re still a people of the Book.”  Feiler, Bruce (2010-09-14). Walking the Bible (P.S.) (p. 51). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition.

I am reading this book because Bruce Feiler, the author will be at my church in September.

An Evening with Bruce Feiler

via First Presbyterian Church – For Christ In the Heart of Charlotte.


The Willard Lecture Series Presents: An Evening with Bruce Feiler September 29, 2013. 5 pm

Are We in a Holy War? A Way Forward for Jews, Christians, and Muslims Today

At a time when the world is asking how the Arab Spring and the death of Osama bin Laden will reshape our times, Feiler will offer a vivid behind-the-scenes portrait of history in the making. Drawing on fifteen years of travels across the region, from Egypt to Israel, Iraq to Iran, Feiler brings his unprecedented experience to the most pressing questions about the Middle East peace and relations among Jews, Christians, and Muslims worldwide.

The speech will be followed by dinner and a panel discussion with leaders of local communities of faith. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT BRUCE FEILER CLICK HERE (


3.28.13 … walked together through the last hours of Christ’s life …

“Solvitur Ambulando” – It is solved by walking, 2013 Lenten labyrinth walks, Sharon Baptist Church:  

The church grounds are noisy with workers preparing for Easter services.

It’s Maundy Thursday, and I am just beginning at age  50-whatever to understand what Maundy Thursday means. It’s interesting that my childhood and early adult faith walk avoided any concept of this day. 
Although still  unseasonably cool, 50 degrees at 2 pm, I very much appreciated the time to walk and to have that closeness with God.   I also am very grateful for the sun!
 IMG_6820 IMG_6819 IMG_6818 
An aside … I attended my church’s Maundy Thursday and the Service of Tenebrae (we walked together through the last hours of Christ’s life.)  Beautiful music and service ending in darkness.  Very moving.  I will do it again next year.

2.23.13 … If we wanted applause, we would have joined the circus …

Lent, kith/kin, Cat – kitchen kitsch,
Rev. Pen Peery, First Presbyterian-Charlotte,  liturgical
stoles, 2013 Lenten labyrinth walks


When my in-laws sold their beach home
a few years back, one of the “things” I wanted was this silly
statue which was on the entrance hall table next to the guest book.
 It served as a great place to park keys … for a week … A
few years ago, I moved him from my entrance hall table to the
kitchen island and started seasonally decorating him.  Since I
am learning about celebrating  Lent, I took a stab at him for
Lent.  Pen Peery wrote an article in my church’s newsletter
about the meaning of the stoles worn by the ministers … et voila!
 And yes he is holding a finger labyrinth … Cat supports my
Lenten “practice.” I hope no one takes offense …

    Argo (2012),
:  The Oscars are this weekend and I have
now seen two nominated films: Argo and Beasts of the Southern Wild.
 I liked both.  But my guess is that Argo will win …
universal appeal.

 O’Donnell: If we wanted
applause, we would have joined the circus. via Argo (2012) –
Memorable quotes

Oscar predictions, Nate Silver, Five Thirty Eight,
:  And Nate Silver agrees …

“Argo” has won the top awards given out by
Hollywood directors, producers, actors, writers and editors, all of
whom will also vote for the Oscars. It also won the Bafta (British
Academy of Film and Television Arts) award for Best Picture, whose
membership has significant overlap with the Academy. “Zero Dark
Thirty” may have won slightly more critical acclaim, but the
critics do not vote for the Oscars; the insiders do. And there has
been absolute consensus for “Argo” among the insiders. It would be
an enormous upset if it were to lose. (“Lincoln,” once considered
the front-runner, has been nominated for almost every best picture
award but won none of them. Counting on a comeback would be a bit
like expecting Rudolph W. Giuliani to have resurrected his campaign
in Florida in 2008 after finishing in sixth place everywhere else.)
via Oscar
Predictions, Election-Style –

:  Interesting …

A Best Picture win at the Academy Awards is
practically the best advertising a movie can get, experts say,
especially if the studio’s pre-ceremony marketing push is taken
into account. In fact, even a nomination can be worth its weight in
gold. The average winning movie was made on a $17 million budget
and earned $82.5 million at the box office, according to market
research company IBISWorld, and more than half of the winners’ box
office sales occurred after the Best Picture nomination. (The Oscar
statuette itself is gold-plated and worth about $500, according to
Go Banking Rates, a financial services website.) via 10
things the Oscars won’t say –

Odyssa, Jennifer Pharr Davis,  the Appalachian
 What a treat … could I have done this
at 21 … could i do it now?

With every step she takes, Jennifer
transitions from an over-confident college graduate to a student of
the trail, braving situations she never imagined before her
thru-hike. The trail is full of unexpected kindness, generosity,
and humor. And when tragedy strikes, she learns that she can depend
on other people to help her in times of need.

via Becoming
Odyssa: Epic Adventures on the Appalachian Trail: Jennifer Pharr
Davis: Kindle Store

  shrimp and Grits, bacon,  Garden
and Gun,  The Lee Bros. Charleston Kitchen
Shrimp and grits + bacon … a marriage made in heaven.

4 oz. slab bacon, cut into large dice
via Shrimp
and Grits Recipe | Garden and Gun

digressions on such subjects as the shrimping industry, the 1950
cookbook Charleston Receipts, and even foraging on the streets of
downtown Charleston, the brothers present recipes inspired by Holy
City culinarians past and present. Dishes range from clever
inventions (Frogmore Soup, a chowdery take on the iconic
seafood-and-vegetable boil) to venerable standbys (Hoppin’ John).
And they tackle shrimp and grits with tomato-and-bacon gusto. Their
version of the Lowcountry breakfast staple blends the fortified old
with the best of the streamlined new for a rich stew of ingredients
that still showcases the delicate flavor of fresh shrimp.
via email :
Webview : A Fresh Take on Shrimp and

southern, Garden and Gun
: when  moved to
Chicago in 1999, I was overwhelmed by the hospitality of my
neighbors in Wilmette.  I said numerous times that Southerners
needed to take lessons on “southern hospitality” from Chicagoans.

“You can adopt the city and it doesn’t mind,”
says my friend Jack Davis, a part-time resident who was once the
metropolitan editor of the Chicago Tribune. I know what he
means—for all the tony clubs and the highfalutin landmarks (the Art
Institute, the University of Chicago, the tallest building in the
Western world), there’s an openness and accessibility about the
place that mirrors the plan laid out by Daniel Burnham in 1909.
Burnham gave the city glorious parks and wide boulevards; he
imagined Michigan Avenue as the Champs-Elysées of the Midwest and
he succeeded. He also made it possible to see everything without
craning upward. The skyscraper was invented in Chicago, but it’s
not a remotely vertical place. Not only is Chicago arguably the
most architecturally significant city in America, it’s also the
most architecturally literate. The average citizen knows who Frank
Lloyd Wright and Louis Kahn and Ludwig Mies Van der Rohe were; he
or she might run into Helmut Jahn at Blackbird. Two of the most
important architectural prizes in the world originate in Chicago,
the Pritzker prize (for modernism) and the Richard H. Driehaus
Prize (for classicism). The citizens are proud of their buildings,
they love their theater troupes and companies (Second City,
Steppenwolf, Lookingglass), they hang out at Millennium Park and
the twenty-four public beaches along the shores of Lake Michigan.
They dine in some of the finest restaurants in the world (including
nineteen with Michelin stars), but they’ve also canonized the
Chicago Dog with its sui generis (and seriously delicious) toppings
including sport peppers and an electric-green relish. … If Nora
introduced me to Chicago, I got to know it with Frances. She took
me to lunch at the Women’s Athletic Club, a Beaux Arts landmark
that’s the oldest club of its kind in the country, and arranged a
book signing at another of her clubs, the Casino, housed in a
one-story art-deco building just behind the John Hancock building,
the air rights to which must be worth a fortune. We ate at her
neighborhood Gibsons steakhouse, went to Gene & Georgetti’s
on festive occasions, and lunched—a lot—at her favorite, RL. Over
the years, I grew to love the city’s overlapping neighborhoods and
its uniquely American glamour (one of the sexiest nights of my life
involved not much more than speeding down Lake Shore Drive in a
fast car) almost as much as she did. There is a hole now in the
landscape where Frances used to be, but Chicago will forever remain
my kind of town. via Chicago’s
Southern Soul | Garden and Gun

college, Harvard, nap rooms, CU,  Siesta, power
naps, psychiatry, problem-solving skills

Harvard’s own research shows the benefits of
power naps. Robert Stickgold, associate professor of psychiatry,
said in the Harvard Health Letter that napping can improve people’s
problem-solving skills. A November 2009 issue of the Harvard Health
Letter recommended 20- to 30-minute naps and endorsed the idea of
having an ideal spot to rest: “You don’t want to waste a lot of
time getting to sleep. Reducing light and noise helps most people
nod off faster. Cool temperatures are helpful, too.” The University
of Colorado-Boulder started its own nap center in 2009 called
“Siesta,” the Daily Camera reported. Some students say they notice
that libraries are doubling as mega nap rooms. “I see, every so
often, people fall asleep in the library, and it’s sort of
inconvenient,” Harvard senior Sam Singer told NBC Boston affiliate
WHDH on Thursday. “And if you live far away from the yard you live
far away from places where your classes might be to go back in the
middle of the day. I know people often talk about taking a nap.”
The University of Texas and the University of California-Davis both
created their own nap maps to plot the best spots to snooze on
campus. Hou told the Globe she plans to create her own nap map
until a siesta center is set up on campus. We can’t say we disagree
with Hou’s idea. We have nap rooms here at The Huffington Post, and
they’re often overbooked. via Harvard
Nap Room Under Consideration After Student’s Petition Finds

cheesewich, BA Daily,
: all cheese …


Cheese Cheese Cheese Cheese
Cheese Cheese via A
Grilled-Cheese Cheesewich, But With Cheese Instead of Bread: BA

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